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How to Manage a Team 怎样管理团队

2010-01-13 14:16 387 查看

How to Manage a Team 怎样管理团队
1.0.0 First draft released at 13,January,2010
投稿 Contributor 贡献者
作者 :eHow特约作家 By eHow Contributing Writer
文章评分: Article Rating:(22评) ( 22 Ratings) 文章等级:(22 级)
作为一个团队主管需要强有力的领导素质,以协调和管理别人的能力充分。 Being the supervisor of a team requires strong leadership qualities to coordinate and manage others' abilities to the fullest. 阿的技能和各队球员的气质很好的知识有助于有效地下放工作,激励团队成员和队友之间建立忠诚度。 A good knowledge about the skills and temperament of each team player helps in delegating work effectively, motivating team members and creating loyalty among teammates. 最为一个团队的管理者要有很强的领导力、协作能力和管理其他的能力使之最大化。好的技能知识和每个团队的性情的把握会帮助你把工作安排的高效,激发团队的成员,建立他们互相之间的忠诚度
难度:中等容易 Difficulty: Moderately Easy 难度:适度简单
指令 Instructions 说明

第1步 Step 1 第一步:

理解的目标和期望,你的管理人员为您的团队。 Understand the goals and expectations that your managers have for your team. 通过沟通,教育对他们的作用,责任和时限明确你对球队的目标。 Educate your team about the objectives by communicating clearly about their roles, responsibilities and deadlines.理解你的主管对团队的目标和期望。通过清楚地沟通你的团队的角色/任务,职责和截至日期训练/教育/指导他们明确目标。

第2步 Step 2 第二步:

评估由最初简单的工作分配的实力和每个团队成员的弱点。 Assess the strength and weakness of each team member by initially assigning simple work. 评价其业绩和能力,以满足最后期限。 Evaluate their performance and their ability to meet the deadline. 代表工作的基础上相应的技能和兴趣每个人的水平。 Delegate work accordingly based on the skill and interest level of each person. 最初通过分配简单的工作评估团队每个成员的长处和弱处。评估他们完成工作的效率和能力。根据每个人的技能和兴趣层次委派工作。

第3步 Step 3 第三步:

提供关于所期望走出小组成员,并按照明确的指示,通过根据需要而不是微观管理。 Give clear instructions as to what is expected out of the team member and follow through as required instead of micromanaging. 阿的要求是明确的认识,鼓励员工不辜负您的期望,认为在执行任务的责任,积极主动地解决问题。 A clear understanding of the requirements encourages the employee to live up to your expectation, feel accountable in executing the tasks and solve issues proactively. 根据团队成员的期望和需求,而不是细节的管理给他们清晰的指令。对需求的清楚理解鼓励员工去执行你的期望,感受他们执行任务的责任和前攝地解决问题。

第4步 Step 4 第四步:

采取团队的责任,并承认在会议上所作的努力。 Take responsibility for the team and acknowledge their efforts in meetings. 阿的老板,坚持为他的团队建立忠诚度和激励团队成员去为球队的胜利付出额外的努力。 A boss that sticks up for his team creates loyalty and motivates the team members to go the extra mile for the team's success. 在会议上为团队承担责任和感谢他们的努力。老板是坚持为团队成员创造忠诚度和激励成员为团队的成功更多一公里。

第5步 Step 5 第五步:

处理问题,有效地改变。 Handle problems and changes effectively. 要求反馈意见的团队和你的决定纳入他们的建议。 Request feedback from the team and incorporate their suggestions in your decisions. 这种输入鼓励他们珍惜他们在工作场所的作用。 This input encourages them to value their role in the workplace. 处理问题并积极改善。请求反馈并合并他们的建议到你的决定。这回支持他们去重视他们的在工作面上的角色

第6步 Step 6 第六步:

彼此互相尊重团队成员,保持礼貌,同时纠正他们的错误。 Treat the team members with respect and remain courteous while correcting their mistakes. 是友好和平易近人给他们。 Be friendly and approachable to them. 要了解和他们的家庭负担和困难包容。 Understand and be accommodating of their family commitments and difficulties. 尊重的对待团队的成员,纠正他们错误的时候依然要有礼貌的。对待他们要友好的和平易近人的。理解的和随和的对待他们家庭的承诺和困难。
提示和警告 Tips & Warnings 细节和警告

谴责成员私下当有需要,而不是尴尬的团队在他们面前。 Reprimand members in private when there is a need, instead of embarrassing them in front of the team.如果需要要私下的训斥成员,而不是在整个团队的面前使他困窘。

激励团队经常受到承认和赞赏他们的努力。 Motivate the team frequently by acknowledging and appreciating their efforts. 经常的鼓励团队为他们的付出和感激他们的努力。
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