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Apache CMS学习笔记2 - Session

2009-12-09 09:20 302 查看

by viki 2009/12/08
AdvisoryProducer advisoryProducer( session.get() );
AdvisoryConsumer advisoryConsumer( session.get() );
scoped_ptr<cms::MessageProducer> producer;
shared_ptr<cms::Topic> destination( session->createTopic(
        "HEART-BEAT-CHANNEL" ) );
producer.reset( session->createProducer( destination.get() ) );
scoped_ptr<cms::MessageConsumer> consumer;
shared_ptr<cms::Topic> destination( session->createTopic(
        "HEART-BEAT-CHANNEL" ) );
consumer.reset( session->createConsumer( destination.get() ) );
shared_ptr<cms::TextMessage> message( session->createTextMessage( "XXX" ) );
producer->send( message.get() );

enum AcknowledgeMode
             * With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically
             * acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when
             * the session has successfully returned from a call to receive
             * or when the message listener the session has called to
             * process the message successfully returns.
             * With this acknowledgment mode, the session automatically
             * acknowledges a client's receipt of a message either when
             * the session has successfully returned from a call to receive
             * or when the message listener the session has called to
             * process the message successfully returns.
             * may be delayed in this mode to increase performance at
             * the cost of the message being redelivered this client fails.
             * With this acknowledgment mode, the client acknowledges a
             * consumed message by calling the message's acknowledge method.



             * Messages will be consumed when the transaction commits.
             * Message will be acknowledged individually.  Normally the acks sent
             * acknowledge the given message and all messages received before it, this
             * mode only acknowledges one message.
virtual Queue* createQueue( const std::string& queueName ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual Topic* createTopic( const std::string& topicName ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual TemporaryQueue* createTemporaryQueue() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual TemporaryTopic* createTemporaryTopic() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual MessageProducer* createProducer( const Destination* destination ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer( const Destination* destination ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer( const Destination* destination, const std::string& selector ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
noLocal如果为true, destination为topic, 则阻止它自己连接发布的消息投递。destination为queue时上述行为无效
virtual MessageConsumer* createConsumer( const Destination* destination, const std::string& selector, bool noLocal ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual MessageConsumer* createDurableConsumer( const Topic* destination, const std::string& name, const std::string& selector, bool noLocal = false ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual void unsubscribe( const std::string& name ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
Creates a new QueueBrowser to peek at Messages on the given Queue.
virtual QueueBrowser* createBrowser( const cms::Queue* queue ) throw( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual QueueBrowser* createBrowser( const cms::Queue* queue, const std::string& selector ) throw( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual Message* createMessage() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual BytesMessage* createBytesMessage() throw ( CMSException) = 0;
virtual BytesMessage* createBytesMessage( const unsigned char* bytes, std::size_t bytesSize ) throw ( CMSException) = 0;
virtual StreamMessage* createStreamMessage() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual TextMessage* createTextMessage() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual TextMessage* createTextMessage( const std::string& text ) throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
virtual MapMessage* createMapMessage() throw ( CMSException ) = 0;
     *  - It is a factory for its message producers and consumers.
     *  - It supplies provider-optimized message factories.
     *  - It is a factory for TemporaryTopics and TemporaryQueues.
     *  - It provides a way to create Queue or Topic objects for those clients
     *    that need to dynamically manipulate provider-specific destination
     *    names.
     *  - It supports a single series of transactions that combine work spanning
     *    its producers and consumers into atomic units.
     *  - It defines a serial order for the messages it consumes and the messages
     *    it produces.
     *  - It retains messages it consumes until they have been acknowledged.
     *  - It serializes execution of message listeners registered with its message
     *    consumers.
     *  - There is no need to close the producers and consumers of a closed session.
     *  - The close call will block until a receive call or message listener in progress
     *    has completed. A blocked message consumer receive call returns null when this
     *    session is closed.
     *  - Closing a transacted session must roll back the transaction in progress.
     *  - The close method is the only Session method that can be called concurrently.
     *  - Invoking any other Session method on a closed session must throw an
     *    IllegalStateException. Closing a closed session must not throw  any exceptions.
     * When a Session is created it can be set to operate in a Transaction based mode.  Each
     * Session then operates in a single transaction for all Producers and Consumers of that
     * Session.  Messages sent and received within a Transaction are grouped into an atomic
     * unit that is committed or rolled back together.
     * For a MessageProducer this implies that all messages sent by the producer are not sent
     * to the Provider unit the commit call is made.  Rolling back the Transaction results in
     * all produced Messages being dropped.
     * For a MessageConsumer this implies that all received messages are not Acknowledged until
     * the Commit call is made.  Rolling back the Transaction results in all Consumed Message
     * being redelivered to the client, the Provider may allow configuration that limits the
     * Maximum number of redeliveries for a Message.
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