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  Operators Associativity

  () [] -> . left to right

  ! ~ ++ -- + - * (type) sizeof right to left

  * / % left to right

  + - left to right

  << >> left to right

  < <= > >= left to right

  == != left to right

  & left to right

  ^ left to right

  | left to right

  && left to right

  || left to right

  ?: right to left

  = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= right to left

  , left to right




  其次是单目运算符,所有的单目运算符具有相同的优先级,因此在我认为的 真正的运算符中它们具有最高的优先级,又由于它们都是从右至左结合的,因此*p++与*(p++)等效是毫无疑问的。



  其次的关系运算符中,< <= > >=要比 == !=高一个级别,不大好理解。





  在C语言中,只有4个运算符规定了运算方向,它们是&&、| |、条件运算符及赋值运算符。

  &&、| |都是先计算左边表达式的值,当左边表达式的值能确定整个表达式的值时,就不再计算右边表达式的值。如 a = 0 && b; &&运算符的左边位0,则右边表达式b就不再判断。


  赋值表达式则规定先对右边的表达式求值,因此使 a = b = c = 6;成为可能。


Operator Description Example Overloadable
Group 1 (no associativity)
::Scope resolution operatorClass::age = 2;NO
Group 2
()Function callisdigit('1')YES
()Member initalization c_tor(int x, int y) : _x(x), _y(y*10){};YES
[]Array accessarray[4] = 2;YES
->Member access from a pointerptr->age = 34;YES
.Member access from an objectobj.age = 34;NO
++Post-incrementfor( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) cout << i;YES
--Post-decrementfor( int i = 10; i > 0; i-- ) cout << i;YES
const_castSpecial castconst_cast<type_to>(type_from);NO
dynamic_castSpecial castdynamic_cast<type_to>(type_from);NO
static_castSpecial caststatic_cast<type_to>(type_from);NO
reinterpret_castSpecial castreinterpret_cast<type_to>(type_from);NO
typeidRuntime type informationcout « typeid(var).name();

  cout « typeid(type).name();
Group 3 (right-to-left associativity)
!Logical negationif( !done ) …YES
notAlternate spelling for !
~Bitwise complementflags = ~flags;YES
complAlternate spelling for ~
++Pre-incrementfor( i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) cout << i;YES
--Pre-decrementfor( i = 10; i > 0; --i ) cout << i;YES
-Unary minusint i = -1;YES
+Unary plusint i = +1;YES
*Dereferenceint data = *intPtr;YES
&Address ofint *intPtr = &data;YES
newDynamic memory allocationlong *pVar = new long;

  MyClass *ptr = new MyClass(args);
new []Dynamic memory allocation of arraylong *array = new long
deleteDeallocating the memorydelete pVar;YES
delete []Deallocating the memory of arraydelete [] array;YES
(type)Cast to a given typeint i = (int) floatNum;YES
sizeofReturn size of an object or typeint size = sizeof floatNum;

  int size = sizeof(float);
Group 4
->*Member pointer selectorptr->*var = 24;YES
.*Member object selectorobj.*var = 24;NO
Group 5
*Multiplicationint i = 2 * 4;YES
/Divisionfloat f = 10.0 / 3.0;YES
%Modulusint rem = 4 % 3;YES
Group 6
+Additionint i = 2 + 3;YES
-Subtractionint i = 5 - 1;YES
Group 7
<<Bitwise shift leftint flags = 33 << 1;YES
>>Bitwise shift rightint flags = 33 >> 1;YES
Group 8
<Comparison less-thanif( i < 42 ) …YES
<=Comparison less-than-or-equal-toif( i <= 42 ) ...YES
>Comparison greater-thanif( i > 42 ) …YES
>=Comparison greater-than-or-equal-toif( i >= 42 ) ...YES
Group 9
==Comparison equal-toif( i == 42 ) ...YES
eqAlternate spelling for ==
!=Comparison not-equal-toif( i != 42 ) …YES
not_eqAlternate spelling for !=
Group 10
&Bitwise ANDflags = flags & 42;YES
bitandAlternate spelling for &
Group 11
^Bitwise exclusive OR (XOR)flags = flags ^ 42;YES
xorAlternate spelling for ^
Group 12
|Bitwise inclusive (normal) ORflags = flags | 42;YES
bitorAlternate spelling for |
Group 13
&&Logical ANDif( conditionA && conditionB ) …YES
andAlternate spelling for &&
Group 14
||Logical ORif( conditionA || conditionB ) ...YES
orAlternate spelling for ||
Group 15 (right-to-left associativity)
? :Ternary conditional (if-then-else)int i = (a > b) ? a : b;NO
Group 16 (right-to-left associativity)
=Assignment operatorint a = b;YES
+=Increment and assigna += 3;YES
-=Decrement and assignb -= 4;YES
*=Multiply and assigna *= 5;YES
/=Divide and assigna /= 2;YES
%=Modulo and assigna %= 3;YES
&=Bitwise AND and assignflags &= new_flags;YES
and_eqAlternate spelling for &=
^=Bitwise exclusive or (XOR) and assignflags ^= new_flags;YES
xor_eqAlternate spelling for ^=
|=Bitwise normal OR and assignflags |= new_flags;YES
or_eqAlternate spelling for |=
<<=Bitwise shift left and assignflags <<= 2;YES
>>=Bitwise shift right and assignflags >>= 2;YES
Group 17
throwthrow exceptionthrow EClass(“Message”);NO
Group 18
,Sequential evaluation operatorfor( i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; i++, j++ ) …YES
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