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Prototype ObjectRange对象学习

2009-07-19 00:00 267 查看
Ranges represent an interval of values. The value type just needs to be “compatible,” that is, to implement a succ method letting us step from one value to the next (its successor).

Prototype provides such a method for Number and String, but you are of course welcome to implement useful semantics in your own objects, in order to enable ranges based on them.

function $R(start, end, exclusive) { 
return new ObjectRange(start, end, exclusive); 

var ObjectRange = Class.create(Enumerable, (function() { 
function initialize(start, end, exclusive) { 
this.start = start; 
this.end = end; 
this.exclusive = exclusive; 

function _each(iterator) { 
var value = this.start; 
while (this.include(value)) { 
value = value.succ(); 

function include(value) { 
if (value < this.start) 
return false; 
if (this.exclusive) 
return value < this.end; 
return value <= this.end; 

return { 
initialize: initialize, 
_each: _each, 
include: include 

$A($R('a', 'e')) 
// -> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], no surprise there 

$A($R('ax', 'ba')) 
// -> Ouch! Humongous array, starting as ['ax', 'ay', 'az', 'a{', 'a|', 'a}', 'a~'...]

这里说一下$A($R('a', 'e')),如何返回值。首先看$A方法,前面的文章【Prototype 学习――工具函数学习($A方法)】中已经详细讲解了$A方法,不知道请自行参考。在$A方法里面有这样一句:if ('toArray' in Object(iterable)) return iterable.toArray();我们知道,ObjectRange里面混入了Enumerable里面的方法,也就是说间接实现了toArray方法,那么看一下Enumerable里面的toArray方法:
function toArray() { 
return this.map(); 

//======> this.map() 

return { 
collect: collect, 
map: collect, 

//======> collect() 

function collect(iterator, context) { 
iterator = iterator || Prototype.K; 
var results = []; 
this.each(function(value, index) { 
results.push(iterator.call(context, value, index)); 
return results; 

//======> this.each() 

function each(iterator, context) { 
var index = 0; 
try { 
this._each(function(value) { 
iterator.call(context, value, index++); 
} catch (e) { 
if (e != $break) throw e; 
return this; 

//======> this._each() 

function _each(iterator) { 
var value = this.start; 
while (this.include(value)) { 
value = value.succ(); 


//======> String.prototype.succ() 

function succ() { 
return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) + 
String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) + 1); 

//======> Number.prototype.succ() 

function succ() { 
return this + 1; 


$R(1, 10).include(5) 
// -> true 
$R('a', 'h').include('x') 
// -> false 
$R(1, 10).include(10) 
// -> true 
$R(1, 10, true).include(10) 
// -> false
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