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Sql Server 2000,Sql Server 2005以及Oracle下如何实现数据分页

2009-06-09 15:37 746 查看
以下操作是基于Sql Server 2000上的实例数据库Northwind。为数据表Products实现分页:

1、在Sql Server 2000下没有提供现成的方法可供使用,只能自己想办法,我的实现方式如下:

declare @pageSize int
declare @pageIndex int
set @pageSize = 10
set @pageIndex = 1

Select Count(b.ProductID) as row_id,a.ProductID
from Products a
inner join Products b on a.ProductID >= b.ProductID
group by a.ProductID
having Count(b.ProductID) between @pageSize * (@pageIndex - 1) and @pageSize * @pageIndex
order by row_id

2、Sql Server 2005下可以借助函数ROW_NUMBER() 实现分页

declare @pageSize int
declare @pageIndex int
set @pageSize = 10
set @pageIndex = 1

With ProductTemp
Select ProductID,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY ProwductID ) as row_id
From Products

Select * From ProductTemp where row_id between @pageSize * (@pageIndex - 1) and @pageSize * @pageIndex

declare @pageSize int
declare @pageIndex int
set @pageSize = 10
set @pageIndex = 1
Select rownum,ProductID From Products where rownum between @pageSize * (@pageIndex - 1) and @pageSize * @pageIndex
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