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Web Service 使用分布式事务出错(OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB'无法启动分布式事务)

2009-04-27 21:46 681 查看
环境: Windows XP SP2、 Sql Server 2000

问题描述:在搭建Web Service时,访问了远程数据库的Link Server(即应用服务器访问了两台数据库服务器),执行SQL语句,如下:
begin transaction
select CNCJ.dbo.Custmoer.TotalVol FROM CNCJ.dbo.Customer c1 left join OrderHeaderID o1 on c1.OrderID = o1.OrderID
WHERE or.CustomerProfileID = '188168' and o1.AggType = 'PPV' and o1.OrderMonth = '200805'
commit tran

CNCJ为数据库服务器上的Link Server

The operation could not be performed because the OLE DB provider 'SQLOLEDB' was unable to begin a distributed transaction.
[OLE/DB provider returned message: New transaction cannot enlist in the specified transaction coordinator. ]
OLE DB error trace [OLE/DB Provider 'SQLOLEDB' ITransactionJoin::JoinTransaction returned 0x8004d00a].

1. 在数据库服务器上打开Sql Server的企业管理器,展开,右键“Local(Windows NT)”属性,确定“自动启动MSTDC”勾上。
2. 管理工具->组件服务->计算机->我的电脑,右键属性,MSTDC选项卡,点击按钮“Security Configuration..”,勾上Newwork DTC Access, Allow Remote Clients、Allow Remote Administration、Allow Inbound、Allow Outbound、No Authentication Required、Enable Transaction Internet Protocol(TIP) Transactions、Enable XA Transactions,Account:为NT AUTHORITY/Newwork Service
3. 管理工具->服务->找到Distributed Transaction Coordinator,双击,选择“Log on”选项卡,确保This account为NT AUTHORITY/Network Server。
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