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C++ 的简单应用

2009-04-22 16:21 393 查看
好久没用C++了, 今天在百度知道上看到一个人的提问, 于是就小试了一下。

题目: 数据结构

悬赏分:30 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 17 小时
程序是很简单, 不过还是活动了一下大脑。
using namespace std;

typedef struct tagStudentInfo {
string strName;
int    nStudentID;
double ldMathScore;
double ldEnglishScore;
double ldDSScore;
double ldMeanScore;
} StudentInfo;

bool ReadInputFile(string strFileName, vector<StudentInfo> & aInfoArr)
string strLine;
ifstream infile(strFileName.c_str());
if (!infile) return false;

while (getline(infile, strLine)) {
if (strLine.length() == 0 || strLine.at(0) == '#') continue;

StudentInfo  info;
std::stringstream fileline(strLine);
fileline >> info.strName;
while (fileline >> info.nStudentID >> info.ldMathScore >> info.ldEnglishScore >> info.ldDSScore){};
info.ldMeanScore = (info.ldMathScore + info.ldEnglishScore + info.ldDSScore) / 3;


return true;

bool WriteOutputFile(string strFileName,  vector<StudentInfo> & aInfoArr)
vector<StudentInfo>::iterator it;
ofstream  outfile(strFileName.c_str());

if (!outfile) return false;

if (aInfoArr.size() > 0) {
outfile << "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------/n";
outfile << "#Name" << "/t"  << "ID" << "/t" << "Math" << "/t" << "English" /
<< "/t" << "Data" << "/t" << "MeanScore" << "/n";
outfile << "#----------------------------------------------------------------------------/n";

for (it = aInfoArr.begin(); it != aInfoArr.end(); ++it)	{
outfile << it->strName << "/t" << it->nStudentID << "/t" << it->ldMathScore << "/t"  /
<< it->ldEnglishScore << "/t" << it->ldDSScore << "/t" << it->ldMeanScore << "/n";

return true;

int ArrCompareFunc(const StudentInfo& info1, const StudentInfo& info2)
return (info1.ldMeanScore - info2.ldMeanScore) > 0.000001;

int main()
string strInputFile("c://data.txt");
string strOutputFile("c://outfile.txt");

vector<StudentInfo>  infoArr;

if (!ReadInputFile(strInputFile, infoArr))  return 1; // Fail to read input file;

sort(infoArr.begin(), infoArr.end(), ArrCompareFunc);

if (!WriteOutputFile(strOutputFile, infoArr)) return 2; // Fail to write output file;

return 0;

string strInputFile("c://data.txt");
string strOutputFile("c://outfile.txt");

#Name ID Math English Data
abc 123 90 20 50
cde 124 30 70 80
aaa 125 70 70 70
bbb 126 80 80 20
第一个字符为#的表示这一行为注释行, 这行的数据不会读取。

#Name ID Math English Data MeanScore
aaa 125 70 70 70 70
cde 124 30 70 80 60
bbb 126 80 80 20 60
abc 123 90 20 50 53.3333
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