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VS.NET 2003



PNL -- Probabilistic Networks Library. Beta 2.0. 30-March-2004


.. /PNL/lib
#include "pnl_dll.hpp"
#include <fstream>

#pragma comment(lib,"pnl.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"cxcored.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"cxcore.lib")
CEvidence* CreateEvidenceForBNet( const CBNet* pBnet )

//make one node observed

int nObsNds = 3;//*<-输入证据节点数

//the observed node is

int obsNds[] = { 0, 1, 2};//*<-输入证据节点列表

//node 0 takes its second value (from two possible values {0, 1})

valueVector obsVals;





CEvidence* pEvid = CEvidence::Create( pBnet, nObsNds, obsNds, obsVals );

return pEvid;

//whether the learn process is successful;用于判断学习后的模型与原模型是否相同,如不同则学习成功
int IsTheModelEqual( const CBNet* bnet1, const CBNet * bnet2, float epsilon )

//compare every potential

int numberOfNodes = bnet1->GetNumberOfNodes();

int ret = 1;

for( int i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; i++ )


if( !(bnet1->GetFactor(i)->IsFactorsDistribFunEqual(

bnet2->GetFactor(i), epsilon )))


ret = 0;



return ret;
CBNet* CreateBNet()

// Creation Water-Sprinkler Bayesian network

const int numOfNds = 4;//*<-声明网络节点数

// 1 STEP:

// need to specify the graph structure of the model;

// there are two way to do it

CGraph *pGraph;

// Graph creation using neighbors list

int C=0,S=1,R=2,W=3;

int numOfNbrs[numOfNds] = { 2, 2, 2, 2 };//*<-与各节点的邻接点个数(包括父节点与子节点)

int nbrs0[] = { S, R };//*<-定义网络结构

int nbrs1[] = { C, W };//*<-

int nbrs2[] = { C, W };//*<-

int nbrs3[] = { S, R};//*<-

// number of neighbors for every node

int *nbrs[] = { nbrs0, nbrs1, nbrs2, nbrs3 };

// neighbors can be of either one of the three following types:

// a parent, a child (for directed arcs) or just a neighbor (for undirected graphs).

// Accordingly, the types are ntParent, ntChild or ntNeighbor.

ENeighborType nbrsTypes0[] = { ntChild, ntChild };//*<-定义邻接点的类别

ENeighborType nbrsTypes1[] = { ntParent, ntChild };//*<-

ENeighborType nbrsTypes2[] = { ntParent, ntChild };//*<-

ENeighborType nbrsTypes3[] = { ntParent, ntParent };//*<-

ENeighborType *nbrsTypes[] = { nbrsTypes0, nbrsTypes1,nbrsTypes2, nbrsTypes3 };

// this is creation of a directed graph for the BNet model using neighbors list

pGraph = CGraph::Create( numOfNds, numOfNbrs, nbrs, nbrsTypes );

// 2 STEP:

// Creation NodeType objects and specify node types for all nodes of the model.

nodeTypeVector nodeTypes;

// number of node types is 1, because all nodes are of the same type

// all four are discrete and binary

CNodeType nt(1,2);//*<-定义各节点变量的类别nt(变量类别数,变量取值数)


intVector nodeAssociation;

// reflects association between node numbers and node types

// nodeAssociation[k] is a number of node type object in the

// node types array for the k-th node

nodeAssociation.assign(numOfNds, 0);

// 2 STEP:

// Creation base for BNet using Graph, types of nodes and nodes association

CBNet* pBNet = CBNet::Create( numOfNds, nodeTypes, nodeAssociation, pGraph );

// 3 STEP:

// Allocation space for all factors of the model


// 4 STEP:

// Creation factors and attach their to model

//create raw data tables for CPDs

float table0[] = { 0.5f, 0.5f };//*<-定义初始CPT表

float table1[] = { 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 0.1f };

float table2[] = { 0.8f, 0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f };

float table3[] = { 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.1f, 0.9f, 0.01f, 0.99f };

float* table[] = { table0, table1, table2, table3 };//*<-

int i;

for( i = 0; i < numOfNds; ++i )



CFactor* pFactor = pBNet->GetFactor(i);

pFactor->AllocMatrix( table[i], matTable );


return pBNet;
void TestBNet(const CBNet* pBnet)//用于测试网络,输出网络结构和参数


//get information from learned model

int nFactors = pBnet->GetNumberOfFactors();

const CFactor *pCPD;

const CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *pMatForCPD;

int numOfEl;

const float *dataCPD;

int f;

for( f = 0; f < nFactors; f++ )


std::cout<<std::endl<<" probability distribution for node "<<f<<std::endl;

pCPD = pBnet->GetFactor(f);

//all matrices are dense

pMatForCPD = static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float> *>


pMatForCPD->GetRawData( &numOfEl, &dataCPD );

int j;

for( j = 0; j < numOfEl; j++ )


std::cout<<" "<<dataCPD[j];





CBNet* Learn_process(const CBNet* pBnet)//网络参数学习

//start learning for this model

//create WS BNet with different matrices

std::cout<<"Learning procedure /n ";

CGraph *pGraph = CGraph::Copy( pBnet->GetGraph() );

CModelDomain *pMD = pBnet->GetModelDomain();

CBNet* pLearnBNet = CBNet::CreateWithRandomMatrices( pGraph, pMD );//定义学习算法

//loading data from file

const char * fname = "Data/casesForWS";//用于学习训练的数据

pEvidencesVector evVec;

if( ! CEvidence::Load(fname, &evVec, pMD) )


printf("can't open file with cases");




int numOfSamples = evVec.size();

std::cout<<"Number of cases for learning = "<<numOfSamples<<std::endl;

//create learning engine

CEMLearningEngine *pLearn = CEMLearningEngine::Create( pLearnBNet );

//set data for learning

pLearn->SetData( numOfSamples, &evVec.front() );


//compare information from learned model with initial model

//both BNet have the same topology and node types

//- we need only to compare CPDs

//need to set tolerance

float epsilon = 1e-1f;

int isEqual = IsTheModelEqual( pBnet, pLearnBNet, epsilon );

std::cout << " The model was learned. The learning was " << std::endl;

if( isEqual )


std::cout << " successful " << std::endl;




std::cout << " unsuccessful " << std::endl;


int ev;

for( ev = 0; ev < evVec.size(); ev++ )


delete evVec[ev];


delete pLearn;

delete pBnet;

return pLearnBNet;

void Infer_Process(const CBNet* pBnet)//推论

//create simple evidence for node 0 from BNet

CEvidence* pEvidForWS = CreateEvidenceForBNet(pBnet);

//create Naive inference for BNet

CNaiveInfEngine* pNaiveInf = CNaiveInfEngine::Create( pBnet );//定义推论引擎

//enter evidence created before

pNaiveInf->EnterEvidence( pEvidForWS );

//set the query node

int numQueryNds = 1;//*<-定义查询变量的个数

int queryNds[] = { 3 };//*<-定义查询变量

//get a marginal for query set of nodes

pNaiveInf->MarginalNodes( queryNds, numQueryNds );

const CPotential* pMarg = pNaiveInf->GetQueryJPD();

//display the evidence node and such velue of BNet

intVector obsNds;

pConstValueVector obsVls;

pEvidForWS->GetObsNodesWithValues(&obsNds, &obsVls);

int i;

for( i = 0; i < obsNds.size(); i++ )


std::cout<<" observed value for node "<<obsNds[i];

std::cout<<" is "<<obsVls[i]->GetInt()<<std::endl;


//display the query node and such velue of BNet

int nnodes;

const int* domain;

pMarg->GetDomain( &nnodes, &domain );

std::cout<<" inference results: /n";

std::cout<<" probability distribution for nodes [ ";

for( i = 0; i < nnodes; i++ )


std::cout<<domain[i]<<" ";



CMatrix<float>* pMat = pMarg->GetMatrix(matTable);

// graphical model hase been created using dense matrix

// so, the marginal is also dense

EMatrixClass type = pMat->GetMatrixClass();

if( ! ( type == mcDense || type == mcNumericDense || type == mc2DNumericDense ) )




int nEl;

const float* data;

static_cast<CNumericDenseMatrix<float>*>(pMat)->GetRawData(&nEl, &data);

for( i = 0; i < nEl; i++ )


std::cout<<" "<<data[i];



delete pEvidForWS;

delete pNaiveInf;
int main()

//create Water - Sprinkler BNet

CBNet* pBnet = CreateBNet();

//Test content of Graph


//Inference Process


//Learn Process

CBNet* pLearnedBnet;


//get information from learned model


//Inference Process



return 0;

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