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2009-03-11 20:17 323 查看


想要立刻开始?请先去主页http://sourceforge.net/projects/astyle下载最新版本。可以选择二进制版本,也可以下载源码自行编译。总之得到可执行文件后请将astyle放在Path(C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/Common7/IDE)中,这样会方便很多。

astyle [options] < original > Beautified
astyle [options] Foo.cpp Bar.cpp [...]


astyle --style=ansi foo.cpp



  --style=ansi:ANSI 风格格式和缩进

namespace foospace
 int Foo()
  if (isBar)
   return 1;
   return 0;
  --style=kr :Kernighan&Ritchie 风格格式和缩进

namespace foospace {
 int Foo() {
  if (isBar) {
   return 1;
  } else
   return 0;
  --style=linux :Linux 风格格式和缩进

namespace foospace
 int Foo()
  if (isBar) {
   return 1;
  } else
   return 0;
  --style=gnu :GNU 风格格式和缩进

namespace foospace
 int Foo()
  if (isBar)
   return 1;
   return 0;
  --style=java :Java 风格格式和缩进

class foospace {
 int Foo() {
  if (isBar) {
   return 1;
  } else
   return 0;
从这里开始介绍astyle的高级应用!这里要介绍的是两种应用情形,一是在Visual Studio中整合,二是批量处理。

先看如何在Visual Studio中整合。看图说话!




在对话框中点击“添加”,如图填入各项。其中参数填写 --style=ansi $(ItemFileName)$(ItemExt)

可以勾选“使用输出窗口”,这样将不会显示黑色的命令窗口。相关信息都会显示在Visual Studio中。


值得注意的是在低版本的Visual Studio中,默认设置运行外部程序不会保存当前文档。这样的话如果在未保存的情况下运行该命令,未保存部分将会丢失。这个可以通过设置一个选项来解决。Visual Studio 6.0中:Options -> Editor -> Save Options -> Save before running tools 将该项勾选即可。我已经验证,在Visual Studio 2005中不用担心这类问题,可以放心使用。但是作为一个好习惯,我仍然建议你随时保存你的工作,尤其是做这种大幅度改动之前,甚至应该对源代码进行Check in操作。不知道Check in是什么?没关系,过几天我还会写一篇关于代码控制的文章,应该可以解决你的疑惑。

(1) 单个文件--缺省美化
astyle --style=ansi Form1.cs
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int s;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++){
for (int j=0;j<10; j++){
s = s+j+i;}
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
int s;
for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
for (int j=0;j<10; j++)
s = s+j+i;

(2) 单个文件--更改缩进2个空格
astyle --style=ansi --indent=spaces=2 Form1.cs
astyle --style=ansi --indent=tab Form1.cs

(3) 处理多个文件--有限个
astyle --style=ansi Form1.cs Form2.cs

(4) 批量处理多个文件--无限个
for /R ./ %f in (*.cs) do astyle --style=ansi "%f"
for /R %f in (*.cs) do astyle --style=ansi "%f"
for /R c:/ %f in (*.cs) do astyle --style=ansi "%f"

2. 其他比较有用的开关:
(1) -f
在两行不相关的代码之间插入空行,如import和public class之间、public class和成员之间等;
(2) -p
如:int a=10*60;
处理后变成int a = 10 * 60;
(3) -P
如:MessageBox.Show ("aaa");
处理后变成MessageBox.Show ( "aaa" );
(4) -U
如:MessageBox.Show ( "aaa" );
处理后变成MessageBox.Show ("aaa");
(5) -V



在Windows中,我们可以用命令行来解决问题。这里用到一个超级命令 for


for /R %f in (*.cpp;*.c;*.h) do astyle --style=ansi "%f"

该命令在当前目录中寻找文件名匹配模式 *.cpp;*.c;*.h 的所有文件(不同模式可用英文逗号隔开),并且对每个文件%f执行操作:

astyle --style=ansi "%f"



Artistic Style 1.15.3 (http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidsont/astyle)
(created by Tal Davidson, davidsont@bigfoot.com)

Modified edition by Qiongzhu Wan, 2004.09

Usage : astyle [options] < original > Beautified
astyle [options] Foo.cpp Bar.cpp [...]

When indenting a specific file, the resulting indented file RETAINS the
original file-name. The original pre-indented file is renamed, with a
suffix of ".orig" added to the original filename.

By default, astyle is set up to indent C/C++/C# files, with 4 spaces per
indent, a maximal indentation of 40 spaces inside continuous statements,
and NO formatting.

Option's Format:
Long options (starting with '--') must be written one at a time.
Short options (starting with '-') may be appended together.
Thus, -bps4 is the same as -b -p -s4.

Predefined Styling options:
ANSI style formatting/indenting.

Kernighan&Ritchie style formatting/indenting.

GNU style formatting/indenting.

Java mode, with standard java style formatting/indenting.

Linux mode (i.e. 8 spaces per indent, break definition-block
brackets but attach command-block brackets.

Indentation options:
-c or --mode=c
Indent a C, C++ or C# source file (default)

-j or --mode=java
Indent a Java(TM) source file

-s or -s# or --indent=spaces=#
Indent using # spaces per indent. Not specifying #
will result in a default of 4 spacec per indent.

-t or -t# or --indent=tab=#
Indent using tab characters, assuming that each
tab is # spaces long. Not specifying # will result
in a default assumption of 4 spaces per tab.

-T# or --force-indent=tab=# Indent using tab characters, assuming tha
t each
tab is # spaces long. Force tabs to be used in areas
Astyle would prefer to use spaces.

-C or --indent-classes
Indent 'class' blocks, so that the inner 'public:',
'protected:' and 'private: headers are indented in
relation to the class block.

-S or --indent-switches
Indent 'switch' blocks, so that the inner 'case XXX:'
headers are indented in relation to the switch block.

-K or --indent-cases
Indent 'case XXX:' lines, so that they are flush with
their bodies..

-N or --indent-namespaces
Indent the contents of namespace blocks.

-B or --indent-brackets
Add extra indentation to '{' and '}' block brackets.

-G or --indent-blocks
Add extra indentation entire blocks (including brackets).

-L or --indent-labels
Indent labels so that they appear one indent less than
the current indentation level, rather than being
flushed completely to the left (which is the default).

-m# or --min-conditional-indent=#
Indent a minimal # spaces in a continuous conditional
belonging to a conditional header.

-M# or --max-instatement-indent=#
Indent a maximal # spaces in a continuous statement,
relatively to the previous line.

-E or --fill-empty-lines
Fill empty lines with the white space of their
previous lines.

Indent multi-line #define statements

Formatting options:
-b or --brackets=break
Break brackets from pre-block code (i.e. ANSI C/C++ style).

-a or --brackets=attach
Attach brackets to pre-block code (i.e. Java/K&R style).

-l or --brackets=linux
Break definition-block brackets and attach command-block

Break brackets before closing headers (e.g. 'else', 'catch', ..).
Should be appended to --brackets=attach or --brackets=linux.

-o or --one-line=keep-statements
Don't break lines containing multiple statements into
multiple single-statement lines.

-O or --one-line=keep-blocks
Don't break blocks residing completely on one line

-p or --pad=oper
Insert space paddings around operators only.

Insert space paddings around parenthesies only.

-P or --pad=all
Insert space paddings around operators AND parenthesies.

Convert tabs to spaces.

Insert empty lines around unrelated blocks, labels, classes, ...

Like --break-blocks, except also insert empty lines
around closing headers (e.g. 'else', 'catch', ...).

Break 'else if()' statements into two different lines.

Other options:
Append the suffix #### instead of '.orig' to original filename.

-X or --errors-to-standard-output
Print errors and help information to standard-output rather than
to standard-error.

-v or --version
Print version number

-h or -? or --help
Print this help message

Default options file:
Artistic Style looks for a default options file in the
following order:
1. The contents of the ARTISTIC_STYLE_OPTIONS environment
variable if it exists.
2. The file called .astylerc in the directory pointed to by the
HOME environment variable ( i.e. $HOME/.astylerc ).
3. The file called .astylerc in the directory pointed to by the
HOMEPATH environment variable ( i.e. %HOMEPATH%/.astylerc ).
If a default options file is found, the options in this file
will be parsed BEFORE the command-line options.
Options within the default option file may be written without
the preliminary '-' or '--'.
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