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编写Windows Mobile上基于WTL封装的CHTMLCtrl程序注意事项(备忘)

2009-03-09 16:54 411 查看


    根据WTL 8.0 Final 版本ReadMe.html中的描述,CHtmlCtrl只是把Win32 API的HTML View Control的Handle封装成一个client类。


Windows Template Library

Class Overview
usage:        mi base   -   a base class (multiple inheritance)
 client   -   wrapper class for a handle
 as-is   -   to be used directly
 impl   -   implements a window (has WindowProc) or other support
 helper   -   a helper class
 base   -   implementation base class
class name:usage:description:

CHtmlCtrlclientHTML control

1. 在CHtmlControl::AddText()之后需要调用CHtmlControl::EndofSource()函数通知控件。否则显示一个HTML sourcecode会要等很久。


2. 需要在工程文件中包含以下头文件和库:

#include "piedocvw.h" // for DWebBrowserEvents2
#include "webvw.h" // for IPIEHTMLDocument
// May be you need the following libs in link settings.


3. IWebBrowser2 的接口在Windows Mobile 6上是不支持的。

IWebBrowser2 *pWebBrowser2= NULL; // No Interface on Windows Mobile 6


4. 如果链接时候(Link)出现 IDD_IPIEHTMLDocument 未定义的错误,需要在源代码中添加对于IDD的定义。

// For fixing the following linking error:
//      IExchangeRateFrame.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol IID_IPIEHTMLDocument
#ifndef __IID_DEFINED__
#define __IID_DEFINED__
typedef struct _IID
unsigned long x;
unsigned short s1;
unsigned short s2;
unsigned char  c[8];
} IID;
#endif // __IID_DEFINED__
typedef   IID   CLSID;
#endif   //   CLSID_DEFINED
// from webvw.h    MIDL_INTERFACE("CDD75622-07D9-11D3-9309-00C04FAE2101")
const IID IID_IPIEHTMLDocument = {0xCDD75622, 0x07D9, 0x11D3, {0x93,0x09,0x00,0xC0,0x4F,0xAE,0x21,0x01}};
// End of Fixing
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