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C# 多个图片叠加,图片透明.

2008-10-10 08:51 211 查看


using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Collections;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Drawing.Imaging;

using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;

namespace Haix.Utils


class GenerateImage


public struct favoriteImage


private string _imagePath;

private int _x;

private int _y;

public int x




return _x;




_x = value;



public int y




return _y;




_y = value;



public string imagePath




return _imagePath;




_imagePath = value;





static void Main(string[] args)


string CurrentDirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;

string body_path=CurrentDirectory + "//white.png";

favoriteImage[] FaImage = new favoriteImage[2];

FaImage[0].x = -3;

FaImage[0].y = 70;

FaImage[0].imagePath = CurrentDirectory + "//1.png";

FaImage[1].x = 20;//65;

FaImage[1].y = -12;

FaImage[1].imagePath = CurrentDirectory + "//2.png";

generateWinterMark(CurrentDirectory,body_path, FaImage);


/**//// <summary>

/// 生成水印

/// </summary>

/// <param name="Main">主图片路径,eg:body</param>

/// <param name="Child">要叠加的图片路径</param>

/// <param name="x">要叠加的图片位置的X坐标</param>

/// <param name="y">要叠加的图片位置的Y坐标</param>

/// <param name="isSave"></param>

/// <returns>生成图片的路径</returns>

private static string generateWinterMark(string savePath,string body_path,favoriteImage[] favorite)


//create a image object containing the photograph to watermark

Image imgPhoto = Image.FromFile(body_path);

int phWidth = imgPhoto.Width;

int phHeight = imgPhoto.Height;

//create a Bitmap the Size of the original photograph

Bitmap bmPhoto = new Bitmap(phWidth, phHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

//设置此 Bitmap 的分辨率。

bmPhoto.SetResolution(imgPhoto.HorizontalResolution, imgPhoto.VerticalResolution);

//load the Bitmap into a Graphics object

Graphics grPhoto = Graphics.FromImage(bmPhoto);

//Set the rendering quality for this Graphics object

grPhoto.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;//清除锯齿的呈现


for (int i = 0; i < favorite.Length; i++)


//Draws the photo Image object at original size to the graphics object.


imgPhoto, // Photo Image object

new Rectangle(0, 0, phWidth, phHeight), // Rectangle structure

0, // x-coordinate of the portion of the source image to draw.

0, // y-coordinate of the portion of the source image to draw.

phWidth, // Width of the portion of the source image to draw.

phHeight, // Height of the portion of the source image to draw.

GraphicsUnit.Pixel); // Units of measure


//Step #2 - Insert Property image,For example:hair,skirt,shoes etc.


//create a image object containing the watermark

Image imgWatermark = new Bitmap(favorite[i].imagePath);

int wmWidth = imgWatermark.Width;

int wmHeight = imgWatermark.Height;

//Create a Bitmap based on the previously modified photograph Bitmap

Bitmap bmWatermark = new Bitmap(bmPhoto);

bmWatermark.MakeTransparent(); //使默认的透明颜色对此 Bitmap 透明。

//bmWatermark.SetResolution(imgPhoto.HorizontalResolution, imgPhoto.VerticalResolution);

//Load this Bitmap into a new Graphic Object

Graphics grWatermark = Graphics.FromImage(bmWatermark);

int xPosOfWm = favorite[i].x;

int yPosOfWm = favorite[i].y;


grWatermark.DrawImage(imgWatermark,new Rectangle(xPosOfWm, yPosOfWm, wmWidth, wmHeight), //Set the detination Position

0, // x-coordinate of the portion of the source image to draw.

0, // y-coordinate of the portion of the source image to draw.

wmWidth, // Watermark Width

wmHeight, // Watermark Height

GraphicsUnit.Pixel, // Unit of measurment

null); //ImageAttributes Object

//Replace the original photgraphs bitmap with the new Bitmap

imgPhoto = bmWatermark;







string nowTime = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString()+DateTime.Now.Month.ToString()+DateTime.Now.Day.ToString();

nowTime += DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString() + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString();

string saveImagePath = savePath + "//FA" + nowTime + ".png";

//save new image to file system.

imgPhoto.Save(saveImagePath, ImageFormat.Png);


return saveImagePath;





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