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2008-09-17 12:42 726 查看
原创: 牛超  TOKYO
package myFramework;
import java.lang.reflect.* ;
 * ProxyObjectHandler : Proxy Object Handler
 * create proxy objects according to target object and it's advices
 * @author Niu Chao
 * @since 2008-8-19
 * @version 0.1
public class ProxyObjectHandler extends ProxyTargetHandler
        private IAdvice[] advices ;
        private Reflection reflect ;
        //construct the proxy according to proxy target and advices
        //根据目标 ?象与装备 ?建对 象
        public ProxyObjectHandler(Object objproxy , IAdvice[] aAdvs)
                 super(objproxy) ;
                 reflect = Reflection.getInstance() ;
                 setAdvices(aAdvs) ;
                 sortAdvices() ;
        public Object getProxyObject()
                 return Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                 this.getObjTarget().getClass().getClassLoader(), this.getObjTarget()
                 .getClass().getInterfaces(), this);
        //get the number of advice by sort .
        //将装备 按指定方式编 号
        private int adviceSortNumber(IAdvice adv)
                 Class cls = adv.getClass() ;
                           if ( reflect.isAssignable("myFramework.IBeforeAdvice",cls))
                                    return 0 ;
                           else if (reflect.isAssignable("myFramework.IAroundAdvice",cls))
                                    return 1 ;
                           else if (reflect.isAssignable("myFramework.IThrowsAdvice",cls))
                                    return 2 ;
                           else //Class.forName("myFramework.IAfterAdvice").isAssignableFrom(adv.getClass())
                                    return 3 ;
                 catch(Exception ex)        
                           ex.printStackTrace() ;
                           System.exit(-1) ;
                           return -1 ;
        //sort the advices
        //以编 号为 ?先级 排序装备
private void sortAdvices()
                 IAdvice advref ;
                 if (advices.length < 1)
                           return ;
                 for ( int i = 0 ; i < advices.length - 1 ; i ++ )
                           for ( int j = i + 1 ; j < advices.length ; j ++)
                                    if (adviceSortNumber(advices[i]) > adviceSortNumber(advices[j]))
                                             advref = advices[i] ;
                                             advices[i] = advices[j] ;
                                             advices[j] = advref ;
        public IAdvice[] getAdvices()
                 return advices ;
        public void setAdvices(IAdvice[] advs)
                 advices = advs ;
        public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable
                 // TODO: Add your code here
                 int i = 0 , j = 0 , iSortnum;
                 IAdvice advref ;
                 Reflection reflect = Reflection.getInstance() ;
                 //arguments of advice
                 Object[] advArgs ;
                 Object result = null;
                 //process advices with before function
                 //处理带 有前置切入点的装备                   
for (i = 0 ; i < advices.length ; i ++)
                           iSortnum = adviceSortNumber(advices[i]) ;
                           if ( iSortnum < 2)
                                    //record the start index of aroundadvices
                                    //记 ?AROUND装备 索引号以备 后用
                                    if (iSortnum < 1)
                                             j = i ;
                                    advArgs = new Object[]{this.getObjTarget() , method , args};
                                    //invoke the function called "before" of device
                                    //调用装备 的前置切入处 理方法
                                    reflect.invokeMethod(advices[i], "before", advArgs) ;
                                    break ;
            //process the proxy with ThrowAdvice set up.
                 //处理异 常处 理装备                
                           //process the proxy function                           
                           //调用目标 ?象的方法
                           result = method.invoke(this.getObjTarget(), args);
                catch(InvocationTargetException ex)
                        boolean bflagthrow = true ;
                        //catch exception and active thowadvices
                        for ( ; i < advices.length ; i ++)
                                iSortnum = adviceSortNumber(advices[i]) ;
                                if (iSortnum == 2) //ThrowAdvice
                                        advArgs = new Object[]{this.getObjTarget() , method , args ,ex.getTargetException()};
                                        reflect.invokeMethod(advices[i], "afterThrowing", advArgs) ;
                                        bflagthrow = false ;
                                        break ;
                        if (bflagthrow)
                                throw ex.getTargetException();
//process advices with afterReturn function
                 //调用各装备 的后置处 理
                 for (i = j + 1; i < advices.length ; i ++)
                           iSortnum = adviceSortNumber(advices[i]) ;
                           if (iSortnum != 2)
                                    advArgs = new Object[]{this.getObjTarget() , method , args ,result};
                                    reflect.invokeMethod(advices[i], "afterReturn", advArgs) ;
                 return result ;                               
package myFramework;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
 * IAroundAdvice : Around Advice Interface
 * handle a method and process before/after(around) it.
 * @author Niu Chao
 * @since 2008-8-19
 * @version 0.1
public interface IAroundAdvice  extends IAdvice
       public void before(Object target, Method m, Object[] args) ;
       public void afterReturn(Object target, Method m, Object[] args,
                               Object objReturn);
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