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SQL Server Express服务启动失败,关闭VIA协议就好了

2008-09-05 08:53 633 查看
昨天对Sql server 2005进行设置后,服务就启动不了了,后来查看日志,有这样一段话:

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 A self-generated certificate was successfully loaded for encryption.

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 错误: 17182,严重性: 16,状态: 1。

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x7e, status code 0x60.

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 错误: 17182,严重性: 16,状态: 1。

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 TDSSNIClient initialization failed with error 0x7e, status code 0x1.

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 错误: 17826,严重性: 18,状态: 3。

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 Could not start the network library because of an internal error in the network library. To determine the cause, review the errors immediately preceding this one in the error log.

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 错误: 17120,严重性: 16,状态: 1。

2008-09-05 08:40:17.82 服务器 SQL Server could not spawn FRunCM thread. Check the SQL Server error log and the Windows event logs for information about possible related problems.


"VIA协议"停用方法:开始->程序->Microsoft SQL Server 2005->配置工具->SQL Server Configuration Manager ->打开后找到"SQL Server 2005 网络配置"->MSSQLSERVER 属性的协议 在右边的属性框中把“VIA协议”禁用即可!

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