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Some New in C# 3.0 language

2008-04-11 09:58 399 查看
1 Automatic properties

public string Name ...{ get; set; }

2 Partial Methods ?

3 Object Initializers

TextBox t = new TextBox ...{Text="Hi", Multiline=true, Location = new Point(5,5), Size=new Size(50,100)};

4 Anonymous Types

var o = new ...{SomeField=DateTime.Now, AnotherField=5.6};

5 Extension methods (Should in static class )


  public static bool IsAllUppercase(string s) .........{...}
  // OR

  public static bool IsAllUppercase(this string s) .........{...}


     string str;

6 Lambda Expressions

delegate bool SomeDelegate(int i);
private void SomeMethod()


 SomeDelegate sd = delegate(int i)...{return i > 2;} ;
 //Or SomeDelegate sd = i => i > 2;
private void YetOneMore(SomeDelegate f)

 bool res = f(5);

Comes From Top 10 things to know about Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5 by Daniel Moth
PS: The Office 2003 templates in VS2008 attract me :)
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