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本周技术关注[面向webapps运维]: Mysql Host '...' is blocked 错误 - Metro的

2008-04-01 19:46 567 查看
[MySQL &PostgreSQL] Mysql Host '...' is blocked 错误 - Metro的 #

[Unix&Linux Platforms] Tcpdump的使用 #
[Unix&Linux Platforms] 绿盟科技--www.nsfocus.com--安全技术 #
LAMP 架构服务器性能优化建议
[Unix&Linux Platforms] :: 极限 Linux ::学会使用Linux性能分析工具 #
[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] MSSQL数据库自动同步 - Tech my Life #

[Securtiy_Unix and Linux] Iptables - Tech my Life #
iptables 作为 ipchains 的新一代继承人,当然也针对骇客不断推陈出新的探测技术拟出一些因应之道,那就是对封包的联机状态,作出更详细的分析,例如:
[book-read] 黑客攻防实战详解 #

[run2tech] Linux System Administration: First Tasks | Linux Journal #
Linux system administration has a place of its own in the hierarchy of information technology specializations. Some people excel in special areas of free software technology but haven't needed to learn system administration. For example, you may specialize in configuring e-mail or writing applications using Apache and MySQL. You may focus only on Domain Names Services and know esoteric ways of setting up servers on provider lines that frequently change IP addresses. But if I asked you to babysit a busy server or servers, you might not have the temperament or have learned the plethora of skills required to do so.
[Unix&Linux Platforms] Linux Today - Linux Forums: Linux Performance Tuning #
'This is probably the first thing you want to know. When a distribution is packaged and delivered to clients, it is designed to be fully compatible with most of the computers available in the market. This is a very heterogeneous set of hardware (hard disks, video cards, network cards, etc.). So distribution vendors like Red Hat, SuSe, Mandriva and the rest of them choose some conservative configuration options to assure a successful installation.
[MySQL &PostgreSQL] Linux Today - HowtoForge: How To Set Up A Load-Balanced MySQL Cluster #
'This tutorial shows how to configure a MySQL 5 cluster with three nodes: two storage nodes and one management node. This cluster is load-balanced by a high-availability load balancer that in fact has two nodes that use the Ultra Monkey package which provides heartbeat (for checking if the other node is still alive) and ldirectord (to split up the requests to the nodes of the MySQL cluster). 'In this document I use Debian Sarge for all nodes. Therefore the setup might differ a bit for other distributions. The MySQL version I use in this setup is 5.0.19. If you do not want to use MySQL 5, you can use MySQL 4.1 as well, although I haven't tested it...'
[Unix&Linux Platforms] About Mono - Mono #
Mono, the open source development platform based on the .NET framework, allows developers to build Linux and cross-platform applications with improved developer productivity. Mono's .NET implementation is based on the ECMA standards for C# (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-334.htm) and the Common Language Infrastructure (http://www.ecma-international.org/publications/standards/Ecma-335.htm).
[run2tech] Linux.com | Running .Net applications on Linux with Mono #
Mono is an open source project (sponsored by Novell) that allows you to run .Net applications on Linux (as well as Unix, Mac OS X, Solaris and even Windows). To obtain it, go to the Mono download page and find the version you need for your distro.
[run2tech] Linux.com | How to configure a low-cost load-balanced LAMP cluster #
A LAMP cluster is not the Beowulf kind of cluster that uses specialized message-passing software to tackle a computation-intensive task. It does not cover high availability features, such as automatic failover. Rather, it is a load-sharing cluster that distributes Web requests among multiple Web and database servers while appearing to be a single server.
[IIS and Web Administration] Always set the 'applicationName' property when configuring ASP.NET 2.0 Membership and other Providers #
You develop an ASP.NET 2.0 application locally using the new ASP.NET 2.0 Membership, Roles or Profile features. You create several new users and everything works fine. You then copy the application to a remote server (or even another directory on your local server) and run the application. For some reason it appears that you are able to connect to your membership database just fine – but when you try to login it doesn’t let you. It doesn’t throw a connection error, but rather when you attempt to login you get an error message that says something like: “Login attempt unsuccessful, please try again.”
[blog] CSDN 使你的文章成为全球开发者的参考资料 - DotNet 频道 - CSDN:由.NET专家提供给你的技术资源中心 #
CSDN 作为国内最大的开发者网站日前和微软签订了CodeZone 合作计划。加入该计划后,由CSDN推荐的优秀技术文章可以直接被送到微软总部,并出现在Visual Studio 2005和SQL Server 2005等开发工具的Online帮助里,成为全球开发者的参考资料。
[run2tech] ONLamp.com -- Advanced MySQL Replication Techniques #

[run2tech] ONLamp.com -- From Weblog to CMS with WordPress #

[run2tech] Unhandled exceptions cause ASP.NET-based applications to unexpectedly quit in the .NET Framework 2.0 #

[run2tech] Exceptions in Managed Threads #

[run2tech] ASP.NET 2.0 Unhandled Exception Issues #

[Windows Server 2003&Windows Vista] 深入挖掘Windows脚本技术 - Kevins的天空 #

[run2tech] Web 应用程序:监视服务器进程(ASP.NET 技术文章) #

[run2tech] ASP.NET 调味品:AJAX #

[run2tech] 使用 IIS 进行 Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 成员/角色管理,第 2 部分:实现 #

[run2tech] 使用 IIS 进行 Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0 成员/角色管理,第 1 部分:安全和配置概述 #

[Windows Server 2003&Windows Vista] Windows .NET Server 2003 中的 Microsoft 群集服务 (MSCS) 简介 #

[run2tech] 性能比较: 安全性设计选择(构建分布式应用程序) #

[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] Sql Server Replication Answers - The 2005 GUI #

[SQLSERVER 2000&2005] Sql Server Replication Answers - Script #
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