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tomcat 中部署GWT的问题解决方案

2008-03-25 20:08 351 查看
OK got it running on Tomcat. Here are the steps

1. Strip the javax.* packages from gwt-user.jar . You can do it with
winzip/winrar etc. Open the jar in such tools and delete all files in
javax folder including the folder

2. Copy the stripped jar in your webapps/YourApp/WEB-INF/lib. Copy the
compiled classes (e.g copy the folder "com" in samples/dynatable/bin )
to webapps/YourApp/WEB-INF/classes

3. Modify your Service Entry point code (if required). Note the text
you put in place /calendar line. You will use this text in web.xml
ServiceDefTarget target = (ServiceDefTarget) calService;
String staticResponseURL = GWT.getModuleBaseURL();
staticResponseURL += "/YourApp/calendar";
4. Run DynaTable-compile.cmd (replace dynatable with app name). File
will be generated in www/com.google.gwt.sample.dynatable.DynaTable/ .
Copy all files within this folder to webapps/YourApp/

5. Create modify web.xml and place it in WEB-INF
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
5. Launch tomcat. Open browser e.g.
6. Enjoy

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