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Berkeley DB Java Edition 基本示例

2007-07-30 21:57 225 查看
package test;
import com.sleepycat.je.*;
import com.sleepycat.bind.EntryBinding;
import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.StoredClassCatalog;
import com.sleepycat.bind.serial.SerialBinding;
import java.io.File;
public class test {
public static void main(String[] args) {


* 打开和关闭环境,示例一
public void eg1(){
Environment myDbEnvironment=null;
try {
EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
envConfig.setAllowCreate(true); //true不存在就创建,false如果不存在则打开环境失败
//envConfig.setReadOnly(true); //true 以只读方式打开,如果是多进程应用,每个进程都要设置为true
myDbEnvironment = new Environment(new File(".//"), envConfig);//环境所在路径
java.util.List myDbNames = myDbEnvironment.getDatabaseNames(); //得到所有的数据库的名字
for(int i=0; i < myDbNames.size(); i++) {
System.out.println("Database Name: " + (String)myDbNames.get(i));
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// 错误处理
try {
if (myDbEnvironment != null) {
myDbEnvironment.cleanLog(); //在关闭前也最好执行一下cleaner,清理一下日志文件,因为delete操作会浪费一些空间
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// 错误处理
* 打开环境示例二
public void eg2()
Environment myEnv = null;
myEnv=new Environment(new File("/export/dbEnv"), null);
EnvironmentMutableConfig envMutableConfig = new EnvironmentMutableConfig();
envMutableConfig.setCachePercent(50);//设置je的cache占用jvm 内存的百分比。

EnvironmentStats envStats=myEnv.getStats(null);//调用 Environment.getStats() 返回一个EnvironmentStas对象。调用EnvironmentStats.getNCacheMiss()看命不中数。
long cacheMisses = envStats.getNCacheMiss(); //这个统计非常重要,尤其针对于长时间运行的应用。 它返回不能够在内存中命中的请求总数,这可以用来参考指定cache的大小。

}catch(DatabaseException dbe){}

* 打开database,以及相关操作
public void eg3(){
Environment myDbEnvironment = null;
Database myDatabase = null;
try {
// Open the environment. Create it if it does not already exist.
EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
myDbEnvironment = new Environment(new File("/export/dbEnv"), envConfig); //也可能用DatabaseConfig参数来打开,这样就可以设置数据库的属性,比如是否允许在库不存在时创建它,是否只读打开,是否支持事务等。

// Open the database. Create it if it does not already exist.
DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
myDatabase = myDbEnvironment.openDatabase(null,"sampleDatabase",dbConfig); //打开库,要提供一个数据库名字作为参数
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Exception handling goes here

String aKey = "key";
String aData = "data";

try {
DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry(aKey.getBytes("UTF-8"));//最好指定编码方式,因为不指定编码会用系统的默认编码来转换,因为系统的默认编码可能会被人更改。
DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry(aData.getBytes("UTF-8"));
byte[] myKey = theKey.getData();
byte[] myData = theData.getData();

String key = new String(myKey, "UTF-8");
String data = new String(myData, "UTF-8");


//记录Using Database Records
//这个之前也提过很多次了,DatabaseEntry可以封装原始类型和复杂的对象类型,二者都要被转换为byte array存储,转换可以使用Bind API来完成

myDatabase.put(null, theKey, theData);//如果不是可重复数据库,put将会覆盖原有的记录。
//myDatabase.putNoOverwrite(null, theKey, theData);//不允许覆盖,不管是否允许数据重复。

//--myDatabase.getSearchBoth(null, theKey, theData, LockMode.DEFAULT);//查找key和data都匹配的记录
if (myDatabase.get(null, theKey, theData, LockMode.DEFAULT) ==OperationStatus.SUCCESS)
byte[] retData = theData.getData();
String foundData = new String(retData, "UTF-8");
System.out.println("For key: '" + aKey + "' found data: '" +foundData + "'.");

myDatabase.delete(null, theKey); //删除数据

} catch (Exception e) {}

try {
if (myDatabase != null) {
myDbEnvironment.renameDatabase(null, "sampleDatabase", "test");//重命名,必须先关闭数据库
myDbEnvironment.removeDatabase(null, "sampleDatabase");//删除数据库,必须先关闭数据库
//myDbEnvironment.truncateDatabase(null, myDatabase.getDatabaseName(),true);//删除并回收数据库空间 ,true返回删除的记录的数量,false不返回删除的记录数量值

if (myDbEnvironment != null) {
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Exception handling goes here

* Deferred Write Databases 缓冲写库
* By默认,JE的数据库是持久化,意思就是说不缓存,写库的,这样多个应用都可以使用,把数据库设置成非持久化的,就成为缓冲写库。
* 缓冲写库本质上说就是内存级数据库,这适用于那些临时的操作。比如把oracle中的数据导入bdb,然后读bdb cache。
* 缓冲写库并不是总是请求磁盘I/O,很重要的一点,缓冲写库会在内存不够用的时候写磁盘。如果内存够大,用缓存写库那是最好不过了。
* 调用Database.sync()让修改过的cache数据写到磁盘
* 当重新打开一个缓冲写库的环境时,数据库的状态是和上一次sync时一致的。如果缓冲写库没有同步,就会当成是空库。问号,那么在数据关闭之前一定要sync?maybe yes。
* 程序员很容易就可以把缓冲写库的修改存储到磁盘上,对经常性的修改,增加,及删除等等的操作的应用也很有用处。通过延迟写库,延迟了磁盘IO, 这可以提高数据的流量。
* 注意,当没有调用sync的库关闭时而且环境也关闭的时候,cache的修改会丢失。如果没有关闭环境,所有的cache的修改还是会保留的。
* 设置库为defered or not,然后用DatabaseConfig的选项打开库。
public void eg4(){
Environment myDbEnvironment = null;
Database myDatabase = null;
try {
EnvironmentConfig envConfig = new EnvironmentConfig();
myDbEnvironment = new Environment(new File("/export/dbEnv"), envConfig);

DatabaseConfig dbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();
dbConfig.setAllowCreate(true); //设置允许创建与否,默认值是false,打开不存在的数据库会报错。true的时候,数据库不存在就创建。
//dbConfig.setExclusiveCreate(false);//如果true,只能创建,如果存在,则打开失败If true, the database open fails if the database currently exists. That is, the open must result in the creation of a new database. Default is false.
dbConfig.setDeferredWrite(true); //true为进行缓冲写库,false则不进行缓冲写库
myDatabase = myDbEnvironment.openDatabase(null,"sampleDatabase",dbConfig);

String dbName = myDatabase.getDatabaseName();//得到数据库的名字
Environment theEnv = myDatabase.getEnvironment();//得到当前数据库环境
myDatabase.preload(1024*1024); //预先加载数据到内存,long型参数表示要装载到内存的数据的最大数


try {
String aKey = "myLong";
DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry(aKey.getBytes("UTF-8"));

Long myLong = new Long(123456789l);
DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry();
EntryBinding myBinding = TupleBinding.getPrimitiveBinding(Long.class);
myBinding.objectToEntry(myLong, theData);

myDatabase.put(null, theKey, theData);

OperationStatus retVal = myDatabase.get(null, theKey, theData,LockMode.DEFAULT);String retKey = null;
if (retVal == OperationStatus.SUCCESS) {
Long theLong = (Long) myBinding.entryToObject(theData);
retKey = new String(theKey.getData(), "UTF-8");
System.out.println("For key: '" + retKey + "' found Long: '" +
theLong + "'.");
} else {
System.out.println("No record found for key '" + retKey + "'.");

} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling goes here

//implements Serializable 的对象的存储

try {
String aKey = "myLong";
DatabaseEntry theKey = new DatabaseEntry(aKey.getBytes("UTF-8"));

java.util.Vector data2Store = new java.util.Vector(); //假设他是implements Serializable
StoredClassCatalog classCatalog = new StoredClassCatalog(myDatabase);
EntryBinding dataBinding = new SerialBinding(classCatalog, java.util.Vector.class);//指定类型
DatabaseEntry theData = new DatabaseEntry();
dataBinding.objectToEntry(data2Store, theData);//绑定数据
myDatabase.put(null, theKey, theData);

myDatabase.get(null, theKey, theData, LockMode.DEFAULT);
java.util.Vector retrievedData = (java.util.Vector) dataBinding.entryToObject(theData);

} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling goes here

myDatabase.sync(); //当写完一定量的数据以后,同步要硬盘中
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Exception handling goes here

try {
if (myDatabase != null) {

if (myDbEnvironment != null) {
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Exception handling goes here

* Data Persistence 持久化
* 如果是在内存中修了数据,需要写到磁盘。
* 怕因为系统错误引发数据丢失,可以使用transaction,每commit一次,修改都会被保存。
* 只是用来存放应用临时数据的话,就不需要用transaction了。
* 在每次关闭env的时候会执行,也可以在程序中调用执行。
* 特殊对象间的自定义转换


package je.gettingStarted;

import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleInput;
import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleOutput;

public class MyTupleBinding extends TupleBinding {

// Write a MyData2 object to a TupleOutput
public void objectToEntry(Object object, TupleOutput to) {

MyData2 myData = (MyData2)object;

// Write the data to the TupleOutput (a DatabaseEntry).
// Order is important. The first data written will be
// the first bytes used by the default comparison routines.

// Convert a TupleInput to a MyData2 object
public Object entryToObject(TupleInput ti) {

// Data must be read in the same order that it was
// originally written.
Double theDouble = new Double(ti.readDouble());
long theLong = ti.readLong();
String theString = ti.readString();

MyData2 myData = new MyData2();

return myData;

package je.gettingStarted;

import com.sleepycat.bind.tuple.TupleBinding;
import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseEntry;


TupleBinding keyBinding = new MyTupleBinding();

MyData2 theKeyData = new MyData2();
theKeyData.setDouble(new Double(12345.6789));
theKeyData.setString("My key data");

DatabaseEntry myKey = new DatabaseEntry();

try {
// Store theKeyData in the DatabaseEntry
keyBinding.objectToEntry(theKeyData, myKey);

// Database put and get activity omitted for clarity

// Retrieve the key data
theKeyData = (MyData2) keyBinding.entryToObject(myKey);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling goes here



package je.gettingStarted;

import java.util.Comparator;

public class MyDataComparator implements Comparator {

public MyDataComparator() {}

public int compare(Object d1, Object d2) {

byte[] b1 = (byte[])d1;
byte[] b2 = (byte[])d2;

String s1 = new String(b1, "UTF-8");
String s2 = new String(b2, "UTF-8");
return s1.compareTo(s2);


package je.gettingStarted;

import com.sleepycat.je.Database;
import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseConfig;
import com.sleepycat.je.DatabaseException;

import java.util.Comparator;


// Environment open omitted for brevity

try {
// Get the database configuration object
DatabaseConfig myDbConfig = new DatabaseConfig();

// Set the duplicate comparator class

// Open the database that you will use to store your data
Database myDatabase = myDbEnv.openDatabase(null, "myDb", myDbConfig);
} catch (DatabaseException dbe) {
// Exception handling goes here

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