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Java 线程同步问题 生产者-消费者 算法实现 -Java学习笔记(29)

2007-07-19 15:20 1136 查看
我们晦涩的操作系统课本也讲过 生产者-消费者问题,不过是由Pascal写的用来解决 进程 同步的,不幸的是我并没学过Pascal。考试时大家都是用C语言写的,但是我极其怀疑这些应试程序段能不能拿到项目中应用。
课本上的算法是有信号量机制实现的(不要问我什么是信号量,课本上没讲)。声明一个int变量mutex(信号量),调用wait() signal()方法 。
wait(mutex); // if(mutex==0) { 阻塞当前进程; } else ( mutex--; }
signal(mutex); // mutex++; 唤醒wait进程

Java中似乎没有类似的方法,java中线程同步是由Object的方法wait() notify() / notifyAll() 实现的。这些方法必须在同步块(Critical Section 关键字synchronized)中。
我们知道synchronized (Object o) 是拿走对象o所拥有的唯一的钥匙(具体见我的另外一篇博客http://blog.csdn.net/nyzhl/archive/2007/05/19/1617014.aspx),
o.notify()/notifyAll()的作用是唤醒对象o wait阻塞的线程,重新竞争o的钥匙。


下面是我的程序源代码,3个生产者Alice,Bob,Lucy他们向只能放一个产品的容器里放产品 2个消费者James,Charlie。他们从容器里拿产品

/**//* 消费者生产者线程演示

* Coding by ZhaoHongliang.


public class ProducerConsumer ...{

public static void main(String[] args) ...{

Container container = new Container();

Producer Alice = new Producer("Alice",container);

Thread produceThread1 = new Thread(Alice);


Producer Bob = new Producer("Bob",container);

Thread produceThread2 = new Thread(Bob);


Producer Lucy = new Producer("Lucy",container);

Thread produceThread3 = new Thread(Lucy);


Consumer James = new Consumer("James",container);

Thread consumeThread1 = new Thread(James);


Consumer Charlie = new Consumer("Charlie",container);

Thread consumeThread2 = new Thread(Charlie);




/**//* 生产者 */

class Producer implements Runnable ...{

private String name;

private Container container = null;


public Producer(String producerName,Container container) ...{

this.name = producerName;

this.container = container;


//Override abstract methoed of Interface Runnable.

public void run() ...{

while(true) ...{

synchronized(this.container) ...{

while(!this.container.isEmpty()) ...{

try ...{



catch (InterruptedException e) ...{




Product pushedProduct = new Product(this.name);


try ...{



catch (InterruptedException e) ...{








/**//* 消费者 */

class Consumer implements Runnable ...{

private String name;

private Container container = null;


public Consumer(String consumerName,Container container) ...{

this.name = consumerName;

this.container = container;


//Override abstract methoed of Interface Runnable.

public void run() ...{

while(true) ...{

synchronized (this.container) ...{

while(this.container.isEmpty()) ...{

try ...{



catch (InterruptedException e) ...{




Product popedProduct = container.pop(name);

try ...{



catch (InterruptedException e) ...{








/**//* 产品 */

class Product ...{

private static int id = 0;


private String producerName;

public Product(String producerName) ...{

this.producerName = producerName;

this.id ++;


//Override method of Class Object.

public String toString() ...{

return "Product No."+id+"; Made by "+producerName;



/**//* 容器 只允许放一个产品 */

class Container ...{

private Product container = null;

//Test if the container is empty.

public boolean isEmpty() ...{

if (this.container==null) ...{

return true;


else ...{

return false;



public synchronized void push(Product product) ...{

if (this.isEmpty()) ...{

this.container = product;

System.out.println("Pushed: "+product);


else ...{

throw new RuntimeException("Can't push! The container is full.");



public synchronized Product pop(String consumerName) ...{

if (!this.isEmpty()) ...{

Product temp = this.container;

this.container = null;

System.out.println(consumerName+" poped: "+temp);

return temp;


else ...{

throw new RuntimeException("Can't pop! The container is empty.");




Pushed: Product No.1; Made by Alice
Charlie poped: Product No.1; Made by Alice
Pushed: Product No.2; Made by Lucy
James poped: Product No.2; Made by Lucy
Pushed: Product No.3; Made by Alice
Charlie poped: Product No.3; Made by Alice
Pushed: Product No.4; Made by Bob
James poped: Product No.4; Made by Bob
Pushed: Product No.5; Made by Alice
Charlie poped: Product No.5; Made by Alice
Pushed: Product No.6; Made by Lucy
James poped: Product No.6; Made by Lucy
Pushed: Product No.7; Made by Alice
Charlie poped: Product No.7; Made by Alice
Pushed: Product No.8; Made by Bob
James poped: Product No.8; Made by Bob
Pushed: Product No.9; Made by Alice
Charlie poped: Product No.9; Made by Alice
Pushed: Product No.10; Made by Lucy
James poped: Product No.10; Made by Lucy
。。。 。。。
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