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Process of creating an object in Java

2007-06-13 15:32 519 查看
 summarize the process of creating an object. Consider a class called Dog:
The first time an object of type Dog is created (the constructor is actually a static method), or the first time a static method or static field of class Dog is accessed, the Java interpreter must locate Dog.class, which it does by searching through the classpath.

As D
is loaded (creating a Class object, which you’ll learn about later), all of its static initializers are run. Thus, static initialization takes place only once, as the Class object is loaded for the first time.

When you create a new Dog( ), the construction process for a Dog object first allocates enough storage for a Dog object on the heap.

This storage is wiped to zero, automatically setting all the primitives in that Dog object to their default values (zero for numbers and the equivalent for boolean and char) and the references to null.

Any initializations that occur at the point of field definition are executed.

Constructors are executed. As you shall see in Chapter 6, this might actually involve a fair amount of activity, especially when inheritance is involved.

以Class Dog为例说明初始化顺序,

1. 第一次生成Dog类型对象时,或者第一次访问到该类的static方法或成员变量时,Java 解释器就根据类文件路径找到Dog.class所在,载入类。

(Y-the compiled code for each class exists in its own separate file.“class code is loaded at the point of first use.”



(Y-In the process of loading it, the loader notices that it has a base class (that’s what the extends keyword says), which it then loads. This will happen whether or not you’re going to make an object of that base class. If the base class has a base class, that second base class would then be loaded, and so on. Next, the static initialization in the root base class is performed, and then the next derived class, and so on. This is important because the derived-class static initialization might depend on the base class member being initialized properly. At this point, the necessary classes have all been loaded so the object can be created.


3.new Dog时,构造函数会先在堆上给该类对象分配足够的存储空间。


(Y-all the primitives in this object are set to their default values and the object references are set to null—this happens in one fell swoop by setting the memory in the object to binary zero.)


6.执行构造函数。(Y-the base-class constructor will be called. In this case the call is automatic, but you can also specify the base-class constructor call by using super. The base class construction goes through the same process in the same order as the derived-class constructor. After the base-class constructor completes, the instance variables are initialized in textual order. Finally, the rest of the body of the constructor is executed. )
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