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基于逻辑运算的简单权限系统(原理,设计,实现) VBS 版

2006-10-14 14:35 1056 查看
作者: slightboy, 时间: 2006-10-14

首发于: http://cs.alienwave.cn/Topic/329.aspx

看到好多同学权限判断都是用字符串 然后或分割或截取

其实对于 允许/不允许(true/false) 这种的权限, 用逻辑运算再恰当不过了

声明下: 本文针对入门和为掌握的同学, 如果已经懂了那可以无视了

可能意思表达的不是很清楚, 敬请原谅.


And: 逻辑与

0 And 0 = 0
0 And 1 = 0
1 And 0 = 0
1 And 1 = 1

Or: 逻辑或

0 Or 0 = 0
0 Or 1 = 1
1 Or 0 = 1
1 Or 1 = 1

Xor: 异或

0 Xor 0 = 0
0 Xor 1 = 1
1 Xor 0 = 1
1 Xor 1 = 0

Not: 逻辑非

Not 1 = 0
Not 0 = 1


1 表示 ture, 0 表示 false


第一位 表示 Read 的权限, 第二位 表示 Write 的权限, 可以表示一下四种权限

00 Read(false) Write(false)
01 Read(true) Write(false)
10 Read(false) Write(true)
11 Read(true) Write(true)



Read = 01(1), Write = 10(2)

00(0) And Read = 0
01(1) And Read = Read
10(2) And Read = 0
11(3) And Read = Read

00(0) And Write = 0
01(1) And Write = 0
10(2) And Write = Write
11(3) And Write = Write



Class PermissionType
Public Read
Public Write
Public Delete
Private Sub Class_Initialize
Read = 1
Write = 2
Delete = 4
End Sub
End Class


Class PermissionSetComponent
Private intValue
Public Property Get Read()
Read = GetValue(Permission.Read)
End Property
Public Property Let Read(arg)
Call SetValue(Permission.Read, arg)
End Property
Public Property Get Write()
Write = GetValue(Permission.Write)
End Property
Public Property Let Write(arg)
Call SetValue(Permission.Write, arg)
End Property
Public Property Get Delete()
Delete = GetValue(Permission.Delete)
End Property
Public Property Let Delete(arg)
Call SetValue(Permission.Delete, arg)
End Property
Public Property Get Value()
Value = intValue
End Property
Public Property Let Value(arg)
intValue = arg
End Property
Public Function GetValue(intType)
GetValue = (Value and intType) = intType
End Function
Public Sub SetValue(intType, boolValue)
IF (boolValue) Then
Value = Value Or intType
Value =  Value And (Not intType)
End IF
End Sub
End Class


Dim Permission : Set Permission = new PermissionType
Dim PermissionSet : Set PermissionSet = new PermissionSetComponent
PermissionSet.Value = 0
PermissionSet.Read = false
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Read)
PermissionSet.Read = true
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Read)
PermissionSet.Write = false
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Write)
PermissionSet.Write = true
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Write)
PermissionSet.Delete = false
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Delete)
PermissionSet.Delete = true
w(PermissionSet.Value &" "& PermissionSet.Delete)
Function w(o)
Response.Write("<br />"& o)
End Function

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