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1970年的图灵奖获得者-James Hardy Wilkinson

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James Hardy Wilkinson (09/27/1919--10/05/1986)

图 灵 奖 获 得 时 间 :
1970 年 。 第五位 图 灵 奖获 得 者 。

图 灵 奖 引 用 (Turing Award Citation) :
"For his research in numerical analysis to facilitate the use of the high-speed digital computer, having received special recognition for his work in computations in linear algebra and "backward" error analysis. "

中 文 翻 译 :

” ( 授 予 James H. Wilkinson 图 灵 奖 以 表 彰 其 在 )数值分析(numberical analysis)研究领域的杰出贡献。其工作加速了数字计算机(在科学计算中)的使用。Wilkinson在线性代数和向后误差分析(backward error analysis)的创造性工作也获得了非常大的成功。

编 者 注 :

在数值分析中,我们知道著名的James H. Wilkinson多项式:

In numerical analysis, Wilkinson's polynomial of degree k is given by the formula

which has k roots: 1, 2, ..., k.

The problem of finding the roots is ill-conditioned: A small change in one coefficient can lead to drastic changes in the roots.

Wilkinson's polynomial of degree 20 has 20 roots, but, as the graph below shows, the function becomes almost horizontal near the x-axis.


数值分析简介 :

另外,James Milkinson也是Pilot ACE计算机的主要贡献者之一。Pilot ACE是英国

Pilot ACE的资料可见:

Turing Award Lecture(图灵奖演讲文章):
"Some Comments from a Numerical Analyst". J. ACM 18(2): 137-147(1971 
James H. Wilkinson 介 :
 James H. wilkinson1919年9月27日生于Strood, 英国。1986Wilkinson 在Trinity College, Cambridge以优异的成绩毕业。1946年,Wilkinson加
入了National Physical Laboratory 并与Aln Turing(图灵)一起设计ACE计算机,成为Turing的助手。。
关于著名的Trinity College, Cambridge, 可参见:
Trinity College, Cambridge


Trinity College, Cambridge涌现过许多Nobel Prize获得者,比如:

Trinity Nobel Prize Winners


1904 Lord Rayleigh (Physics)

1906 J. J. Thomson (Physics)

1908 Ernest Rutherford (Chemistry)

1915 Sir William Henry Bragg (Physics)

1915 Lawrence Bragg (Physics)

1917 Charles Glover Barkla (Physics)

1921 Niels Bohr (Physics)

1922 Archibald V. Hill (Physiology or Medicine)

1925 Sir Austen Chamberlain (Peace)

1928 Owen Willans Richardson (Physics)

1929 Sir Frederick Hopkins (Physiology or Medicine)

1932 Edgar Adrian (Physiology or Medicine)

1936 Sir Henry Dale (Physiology or Medicine)

1937 George Paget Thomson (Physics)

1946 Edgar V. Appleton (Physics)

1950 Bertrand Russell (Literature)

1951 Ernest T. S. Watson (Physiology or Medicine)

1952 Richard L. M. Synge (Chemistry)

1962 John C. Kendrew (Chemistry)

1963 Alan L. Hodgkin (Physiology or Medicine)

1963 Andrew F. Huxley (Physiology or Medicine)

1973 Brian D. Josephson (Physics)

1974 Martin Ryle (Physics)

1977 James E. Meade (Economic Sciences)

1978 Pyotr Kapitsa (Physics)

1980 Walter Gilbert (Chemistry)

1982 Aaron Klug (Chemistry)

1983 Subramanyan Chandrasekhar (Physics)

1996 James A. Mirlees (Economic Sciences)

1998 John Pople (Chemistry)

1998 Amartya Sen (Economics)

关于著名的 National Physical Laboratory(NPL), 可参见:
James H. Wilkinson的一些历史照片

J. H. Wilkinson and the Pilot ACE, 1951, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, England.

Wilkinson describing a matrix algorithm to an audience at Argonne in the early 1970s.
关于James H. Wilkinson更详细的生平介绍可参见:
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