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TCL/EXPECT自动化测试脚本实例五 --- 由文件中读取一行

2006-05-30 10:31 686 查看

# get a line from file, skip blank lines and
# comment lines, return the reading line in
# parameter 'line'.
# fd     - file fd
# line   - var used to return the line
# return 1 if read successfully, otherwise 0
proc getLine {fd line} {
    upvar $line ln

    # read a line from fd
    while {[set lineLen [gets $fd ln]] >= 0} {
        # blank line
        if { $lineLen == 0 } continue
        # trim whitespace
        set ln [string trim $ln]
        if { [string length $ln] == 0 } continue

        # skip comment
        if { [string index $ln 0] == "#" } continue

        # success
        return 1

    return 0
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