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2006-04-19 10:51 253 查看

Chapter  1: General Principles(第一章 一般原则)

While it is important to write software that performs well, many other issues should concern the professional Java developer. All good software performs well. But great software, with written style, is predictable, robust, maintainable, supportable, and extensible.


1.   Adhere to the style of the original.(坚持原有代码的风格)

When modifying existing software, your changes should follow the style of the original code. Do not introduce a new coding style in a modification, and do not attempt to rewrite the old software just to make it match the new style. The use of different styles within a single source file produces code that is more difficult to read and comprehend. Rewriting old code simply to change its style may result in the introduction of costly yet avoidable defects.


2.   Adhere to the Principle of Least Astonishment.(尽量符合习惯,不要制造震惊)

The Principle of Least Astonishment suggests you should avoid doing things that will surprise a user of your software. This implies the means of interaction and the behavior exhibited by your software must be predictable and consistent, and, if not, the documentation must clearly identify and justify any unusual patterns of use or behavior.


To minimize the chances that a user will encounter something surprising in your software, you should emphasize the following characteristics in the design, implementation, and documentation of your Java software:


Simplicity     Build simple classes and simple methods. Determine how much you need to do to meet the expectations of your users.

简洁          建立尽量简单的类和方法满足用户需求。

Clarity        Ensure each class, interface, method, variable, and object has a clear purpose. Explain where, when, why, and how to use each.

清晰          确保每一个类、接口、方法、变量、对象都有明确的目的,说明它们在何处、何时使用,为什么使用以及怎样使用。

Completeness   Provide the minimum functionality that any reasonable user would expect to find and use. Create complete documentation; document all features and functionality.

完整          提供任何合理的代码使用者所预期的最小函数集;创建完整的文档,记录所有的特征和功用。

Consistency   Similar entities should look and behave the same; dissimilar entities should look and behave differently. Create and apply standards whenever possible.

一致          相似的实体其外观和行为也应相同;反之亦然。尽可能地创建和应用标准。

Robustness     Provide predictable documented behavior in response to errors and exceptions. Do not hide errors and do not force clients to detect errors.

健壮          提供可预测的程序出错和异常的文档说明。不要隐藏错误,也不要让使用者检测错误。

3.   Do it right the first time.(从现在做起)

Apply these rules to any code you write, not just code destined for production. More often than not, some piece of prototype or experimental code will make its way into a finished product, so you should anticipate this eventuality. Even if your code never makes it into production, someone else may still have to read it. Anyone who must look at your code will appreciate your professionalism and foresight at having consistently applied these rules from the start.


4.   Document any deviations.(记录任何与规则相违背之处)

No standard is perfect and no standard is universally applicable. Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you need to deviate from an established standard.


Before you decide to ignore a rule, you should first make sure you understand why the rule exists and what the consequences are if it is not applied. If you decide you must violate a rule, then document why you have done so.


This is the prime directive.

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