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2005-12-21 17:25 921 查看
VBA方法可以通过COM Interop来调用C#对象方法。基本方法是公开.NET对象通过COM Interop,然后就可以调用.net 对象方法并传递参数了,但是参数如果包含double数组,VBA将出现如下错误信息
"Function or interface marked as restricted, or the function uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic"


using System;

namespace blah
public interface interfaceExposer
int callableMethodSimple(double a);
using System;
namespace blah
public class callableClass : interfaceExposer
public int callableMethodSimple(double a)
return (int)a;
重点:为项目注册COM Interop。VS 2003中选择“项目属性”-“配置属性”-“生成”设置“为COM Interop注册”为True,再编译。
'VBA code
Public cssObject As New SendArray.callableClass 'SendArray 是项目名称
Dim iClass As interfaceExposer

Sub MyRoutine()
Set iClass = cssObject
Dim result As Integer
result = IClass.callableMethodSimple(5.0)
End Sub
using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace blah
public class callableClass : interfaceExposer
.. .

public int callableMethodArray(object a)
double[] thisVect = LoadComObjectIntoDoubleArray(a);
return 0;

private double[] LoadComObjectIntoDoubleArray(object comObject)
Type thisType = comObject.GetType();
Type dblType = Type.GetType("System.Double[*]");
double[] doubleArray = new double[1];
if(thisType == dblType)
object[] args = new object[1];
int numEntries = (int)thisType.InvokeMember("Length", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, comObject, null);
doubleArray = new double[numEntries];
for(int j1=0; j1 < numEntries; j1++)
args[0] = j1+1;
doubleArray[j1] = (double)thisType.InvokeMember("GetValue", BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, null, comObject, args);
} // End if(thisType == dblType)
return doubleArray;
} // End LoadComObjectIntoDoubleArray()
'VBA code
Public cssObject As New SendArray.callableClass 'SendArray 是项目名称

Dim iClass As interfaceExposer

Sub MyRoutine()
Set iClass = cssObject
Dim result As Integer
Dim SendArray(1 To 2) As Double
SendArray(1) = 5.2
SendArray(2) = 7.5
result = iClass.callableMethodArray(SendArray)
End Sub
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