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oracle学习笔记2-Restricting and sorting data

2005-12-17 21:23 363 查看
After completing this lesson,you should be a able to do the following:
Limit the rows retrieved by a query
Sort the rows retrieved by a query
Limiting the rows selected:
     Restrict the rows returned by using the WHERE clasue.
         e:select * from table where ;
     The WHERE clasue follows the FROM clause.
Character strings and dates:
     Character strings and date values are enclosed in single quotation marks.
     Character values are case sensitive,and date values are format sensitive.
     The default date format is DD-MON-RR.
Comparison conditions:
     equal to,greater than,not equal to,....
Other comparison conditions:
     Between ..and....
        e:select * from sales where qty
         between 10 and 50;
         e:select * from sales
            where name_id in('zhou','fa');
     like,is null,
Using the LIKE condition:
     Use the LIKE condition to perform wildcard searches of valid search string values.
     Search conditions can contain either literal characters or numbers:
     @% denotes zero or many characters.
     e:select * from sales
        where name_id like 'B%';
     @_denotes one character.
Logical conditions:
Rules of precedence:
     arithmetic perators,concatenation conditions,comparison conditions.
     not ,and, or
     ps:if change rules of precedence,can use ().
Order by clause:
     Sort rows with order by clause
     @ASC:asceding order,default
     e:select * from sales
        order by name_id;
     @DESC:descending order
       e:select * from sales
       order by  name_id desc;ps:(must write parm)
     The order by clause comes last in the SELECT statement.
     Sorting by cloumn alias
Sorting by multiple columns:
     The order of ORDER BY list if the order of sort.
     e:select * from sales
       order by  name_id ,(salary desc);
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