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2005-10-25 09:36 796 查看
class listfile{

var $fileFunc=null; //文件操作函数,用于execute里的调用
var $dirFunc=null; //目录操作函数
var $tag = 0; //tag 0,处理文件,1,处理目录,2,既处理文件也处理目录。
var $deep = 1;//目录深度,为1,表示第一层。
var $extname=null; //有效文本文件的扩展名。

function listfile()
echo 'initialize filetree
} // end func

/** 函数 execute( $dirName = null )
* 功能 对目录下所有文件及子目录下所有文件进行操作
* 参数 $dirName 目录名称
function execute( $dirName = null ,$dirdeep = 1)
if( empty( $dirName ) )
exit( "IBFileSystem: directory is empty." );

if( is_dir( $dirName ) )
if( $dh = opendir( $dirName ) )
while( ( $file = readdir( $dh ) ) !== false )
if( $file != "." && $file != ".." )
$filePath = $dirName . "/" . $file;
if( is_dir( $filePath ) )//为目录,递归
if ($this->tag==1 || $this->tag==2) {
if ($this->deep>1) { //控制处理的目录深度
if ($dirdeep<$this->deep) {
$this->execute( $filePath ,$dirdeep);
if ($this->tag==0 || $this->tag==2) {
if ($this->extname=="*") {
eval($this->fileFunc); //echo"{$filePath}";echo"\n";
else {
$dotpos = strrpos($file,".");
if ($dotpos===false) {

else {
$extname = substr($file,$dotpos+1);
$pos = strpos($this->extname,$extname);
if ($pos===false) {

else {
eval($this->fileFunc); //echo"{$filePath}";echo"\n";
} //文件处理结束
closedir( $dh );

exit( "IBFileSystem: can not open directory $dirName.");

//return $tree;

exit( "IBFileSystem: $dirName is not a directory.");

* mkdirp is used to instead of mkdir ,mkdirp can create deep multiple directory.
function mkdirp($target) {
// If the path already exists && is a directory, all is well.
// If the path is not a directory, we've a problem.
if (file_exists($target)) {
if (!is_dir($target)) return false;
else return true;

// Attempting to create the directory may clutter up our display.
if ( @mkdir($target) ) return true;

// If the above failed, attempt to create the parent node, then try again.
if ( $this->mkdirp(dirname($target)) ) return $this->mkdirp($target);

return false;


$fl = new listfile();
$fl->extname ="*";
$fl->tag = 2; //列出所有子目录
$fl->deep = 3;//列出目录层次一级。即当前目录下的子目录。2级表示也列出2级子目录
$fl->fileFunc = "echo(\$filePath.\"
$fl->dirFunc = "echo(\$filePath.\"
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