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Herb Sutter 又要出新书--《Exceptional C++ Style》啦!

2004-03-08 11:32 302 查看
《Exceptional C++ Style》

40 New Engineering Puzzles , Programming Problems, and Solutions

3月1日收到Herb Sutter的mailing-list, 浏览之下发现Herb Sutter又有新书要出版了--《Exceptional C++ Style》,现在已到了最后结集和制作索引的阶段,内容已完成了,另外当然还有一个复审(review)的阶段拉。Herb在他的网页上说到2004年晚春大概可以出版了,不过他好象说这本书暂时不能预订,他会在他的mailing list(邮件列表)中通知的。

此书继续关注于有关C++的泛型编程(Generic Programming),C++标准程序库,以及异常安全性(exception safety), 类之设计(class design), 内存和资源管理(memory and resource management), 优化和效率(optimization and efficiency)等内容。最后再以三个案例研究分析现实中的代码,实作如何把它们做到真正的Exceptional C++!


// 以下翻译只是个人感觉,欢迎批评!

Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library

Item 1: Uses and Abuses of Vector
我看过他的guru of week中有关的文章,Herb在运用Vector上挖的很深,这条款在Scott Meyer的《Effective STL》中也涉及到了。不知到Herb又有什么新发现了?!

Item 2: The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 1: sprintf

Item 3: The String Formatters of Manor Farm, Part 2: Standard (or Blindingly Elegant) Alternatives

Item 4: Standard Library Member Functions

Item 5: Flavors of Genericity, Part 1: Covering the Basis [sic]
Item 6: Flavors of Genericity, Part 2: Generic Enough?

Item 7: Why Not Specialize Function Templates?
Item 8: Befriending Templates
最近在看《C++ Template》,想看看Herb的高见,急啊。。。

Item 9: Export Restrictions, Part 1: Fundamentals
Item 10: Export Restrictions, Part 2: Interactions, Usability Issues, and Guidelines
Exception Safety Issues and Techniques

Item 11: Try and Catch Me
Item 12: Exception Safety: Is It Worth It?
Herb 是个中高手,要听听他的告戒!

Item 13: A Pragmatic Look at Exception Specifications
Class Design, Inheritance, and Polymorphism

Item 14: Order, Order!
Item 15: Uses and Abuses of Access Rights

Item 16: (Mostly) Private
Item 17: Encapsulation
Item 18: Virtuality
Item 19: Enforcing Rules for Derived Classes
Memory and Resource Management

Item 20: Containers In Memory, Part 1: Levels of Memory Management
Item 21: Containers In Memory, Part 2: How Big Is It Really?
Item 22: To New, Perchance To Throw, Part 1: The Many Faces of New
Item 23: To New, Perchance To Throw, Part 2: Pragmatic Issues in Memory Management
在内存管理上,看来Herb 又有新发现了!
Optimization and Efficiency

Item 24: Constant Optimization?
Item 25: Inline Redux
Item 26: Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 1: When Compression is the Name of the Game
Item 27: Data Formats and Efficiency, Part 2: (Even Less) Bit-Twiddling
看过Herb发表在C/C++ User Journal上的《Inline Redux》这篇文章,学习中。。。。。。
Traps, Pitfalls, and Puzzlers

Item 28: Keywords That Aren’t (or, Comments By Another Name)
Item 29: Is It Initialization?
Item 30: Double or Nothing
Item 31: Amok Code
Item 32: Slight Typos? Graphic Language and Other Curiosities
Item 33: Operators, Operators Everywhere
Style Case Studies

Item 34: Index Tables
Item 35: Generic Callbacks
Item 36: Construction Unions
Item 37: Monoliths “Unstrung,” Part 1: A Look at std::string
Item 38: Monoliths “Unstrung,” Part 2: Refactoring std::string
Item 39: Monoliths “Unstrung,” Part 3: std::string Diminishing
Item 40: Monoliths “Unstrung,” Part 4: std::string Redux

此书是Herb的网路专栏Guru Of Week的总结和提炼,扩充后的心血!
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